Monday, December 2, 2013

I have heard of fluoride treatment at the dentist’s office to help prevent cavities. What is fluoride varnish?

Fluoride varnish is a type of topical fluoride that is "painted" on the teeth and dries quickly. The 2.36% strength varnish has been shown to be very effective in preventing cavities. Cavity varnish is rapidly replacing the 1.23% fluoride gel as the procedure of choice for topical fluoride cavity protection. Almost all patients like the varnish much better than the gel for two main reasons. First, the varnish is quickly painted on teeth with a small brush, while the gel is delivered in a big foam tray that has to be in a patient's mouth for 4 minutes. Additionally, patients can eat 15 minutes after the varnish is placed, but with the gel, it is best to wait several hours before eating to maximize its preventive benefits. My hygienist routinely recommends varnish during orthodontic treatment to prevent cavities.

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