Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Orthodontist Farmington New Mexico

Question: I think and my dentist also thinks that it is the orthodontist's responsibility to help my daughter reduce
her risk to white spots around the braces. As an orthodntist do you agree with our thought process?

Answer: Yes, I do agree that it is the responsibility of the orthodontist to help reduce the risk of white spot lesions on patients while in braces. White spot lesions and gingivitis are of concern to all orthodontists, which is why I have taken a very aggressive approach to reduce the risk of these issues. In order to prevent white spot lesions and gingivitis, I use smaller brackets which allows for better cleaning and apply a fluoride varnish around the brackets of at risk patients every six weeks. In addition, I require all of my patients to receive a dental cleaning and exam, with the removal of their orthodontic wires, by my dental hygiene staff every six months.

Dr. David Herman, Four Corners Orthodontics & Dental