Monday, August 17, 2015

Braces in Farmington New Mexico

Question: Other than providing brushing instructions, does your office do other things to help prevent my son from getting white spots around his braces?

Answer: Yes. Studies show that applying a flouride varnish around the brackets every 6-8 weeks reduces a person's
risk to white spot lesions by 70%. At my office, patients who are at risk to white spot lesions have fluoride
varnish applied around brackets every 6 weeks and all of my patients must have a dental cleaning and exam
every 6 months. I offer the exam and cleaning services at my orthodontic office because cleanings done with
the orthodontic wire removed are much more thourough than cleaning done with the wire remaining. My goal

is to significantly reduce my patient's risk to gum, cavity and white spot lesion problems.

Dr. David Herman, Four Corners Orthodontics & Dental