Monday, December 21, 2015

Braces in Farmington, NM

Question: My first son was treated by an orthodontist who put screws in his mouth to fix his overbite. My second son also has an overbite, but is being treated by you without the use of screws. Why is there a difference in the treatment?

Answer: Orthodontists treat patients using a variety of different techniques. I try to practice minimally invasive treatment whenever possible. I feel that screws are usually too invasive and often overused in orthodontics. I find that I can accomplish similar results for my patients while providing them with greater comfort using the high-tech H4 system of braces. Visit to learn more about my treatment philosophy.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Braces in Farmington, Orthodontist in Farmington

Question: I don’t understand why I have to get teeth pulled in order to get braces. Why is this necessary?

Answer:  It’s not always necessary to have teeth pulled in order to get braces. I use the high-tech H-4 system of braces that works with the body’s natural forces to gently create space in a patient’s mouth. This technology is why my patients can expect to be treated without extractions and get wide beautiful smiles.  I encourage you to get a second opinion before having healthy teeth extracted. Call 800-4-Braces today to schedule a free consultation

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Gallup Braces & Gallup Orthodontist

Question:  I avoid sugary foods to protect my teeth, but I just heard citrus fruits are bad too! Is this true?

Answer:  It’s great that you are avoiding foods high in sugar, but unfortunately even citrus fruit can be too much of a good thing. If citrus is in constant contact with your teeth it can erode and soften enamel. Lemons and limes are especially corrosive to tooth enamel. A simple way to protect your teeth is to drink a glass of water after consuming citrus. If you are need of dental exam and cleaning call 800-4-Braces today.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Orthodontist Farmington New Mexico

Question: I think and my dentist also thinks that it is the orthodontist's responsibility to help my daughter reduce
her risk to white spots around the braces. As an orthodntist do you agree with our thought process?

Answer: Yes, I do agree that it is the responsibility of the orthodontist to help reduce the risk of white spot lesions on patients while in braces. White spot lesions and gingivitis are of concern to all orthodontists, which is why I have taken a very aggressive approach to reduce the risk of these issues. In order to prevent white spot lesions and gingivitis, I use smaller brackets which allows for better cleaning and apply a fluoride varnish around the brackets of at risk patients every six weeks. In addition, I require all of my patients to receive a dental cleaning and exam, with the removal of their orthodontic wires, by my dental hygiene staff every six months.

Dr. David Herman, Four Corners Orthodontics & Dental

Monday, August 17, 2015

Braces in Farmington New Mexico

Question: Other than providing brushing instructions, does your office do other things to help prevent my son from getting white spots around his braces?

Answer: Yes. Studies show that applying a flouride varnish around the brackets every 6-8 weeks reduces a person's
risk to white spot lesions by 70%. At my office, patients who are at risk to white spot lesions have fluoride
varnish applied around brackets every 6 weeks and all of my patients must have a dental cleaning and exam
every 6 months. I offer the exam and cleaning services at my orthodontic office because cleanings done with
the orthodontic wire removed are much more thourough than cleaning done with the wire remaining. My goal

is to significantly reduce my patient's risk to gum, cavity and white spot lesion problems.

Dr. David Herman, Four Corners Orthodontics & Dental

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Questions about Braces with Dr. David Herman Farmington

Question: How does your office prevent white spots around braces?

Answer: At my office, patients who are at risk for white spot lesions receive fluoride varnish around their brackets every 6 weeks. Studies show that applying a fluoride varnish around the brackets every 6-8 weeks reduces a person's risk to white spot lesions by 70%. I also offer dental exams and cleanings at my office. My team removes the orthodontic wire before cleaning which allows for a more thorough cleaning. All of my patients are required to have a dental cleaning and exam every 6 months. My goal with these practices is to significantly reduce my patient's risk to gum disease, cavities and white spot lesions

Dr. David Herman, Four Corners Orthodontics & Dental

Friday, June 12, 2015

Dr. Herman: Four Corners Orthodontics & Dental

Question: I know that poor brushing while wearing braces can cause white spots around the braces. What causes the white spots to form? Are these cavities?

Answer: White spot lesions are not cavities. Poor brushing leads to plaque accumulation around the brackets. The most abundant accumulation is between the bracket and the gum tissue. The plaque contains bacteria that produce acid. A person's saliva normally neutralizes or buffers this acid. However, if there is more acid produced than the saliva can buffer, demineralization of enamel begins. If demineralization occurs for a long enough period of time then white spots appear. My office is one of a few orthodontic practices in the country that has an onsite dental hygiene department to attempt to minimize a patient's risk of getting white spot lesions and make it convenient for a patient to maintain great oral hygiene during orthodontic treatment. Call 1-800-4-BRACES for a free consultation.

-Dr. David Herman, Four Corners Orthodontics & Dental

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

My son has crooked front teeth. Does he need to lose all his baby teeth before he visits an orthodontist?

No, but I do recommend patients lose their lower first baby tooth molars before beginning orthodontic treatment. These teeth usually fall out between ages 8-10 with girls losing them before boys. They are the teeth behind the canines, and the teeth that replace them are called first premolars. I try to have most of my patients’ orthodontic treatment completed in two years or less. I find that in most cases, waiting until the lower primary first molar falls out helps me achieve this time period. I always offer free consultations, regardless of age or number of baby teeth remaining. Please call 1-800-4BRACES to discuss how orthodontic treatment can improve your son’s smile.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

My daughter plays softball and recently got hit in the face with a ball. While she is ok, I think she needs to wear a mouth guard to protect her from future injuries that may occur. What do you recommend?

I see a large number of patients with chipped, broken or lost teeth from sports accidents. The American Dental Association recently reported that about 3 million teeth are knocked out each year during sporting events. The report found that 67% of the parents surveyed said that their child does not wear a mouth guard when participating in sports. The report also showed that athletes who do not wear mouth guards are 60 times more likely to damage their teeth than athletes that wear mouth guards. I advise parents to insist that their children wear proper safety equipment while playing sports to prevent potentially painful injuries.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Someone told me that if my child gets braces as a young teenager, he will need braces again as an adult. Is this true?

Retreatment is only needed when retainers are not worn as instructed and teeth shift. If a person’s teeth move too much, a tune-up would be recommended to get them back to the finished result. I provide tune-ups at a reduced fee. Most of my patients who have tune-up treatment only need to wear braces for a year or less. When I finish treatment, I place a double retainer to ensure the most stable result-- a wired retainer glued on the back of both upper and lower front teeth, as well as clear, removable aligner retainers. If you need an orthodontic tune-up, call 1-800-4Braces today for your free consultation.

Monday, February 16, 2015

I had an overbite that was corrected with braces at age 12. My 6 year old daughter looks like she will also have an overbite. What causes an overbite?

The main cause of an overbite is heredity, so if a parent had an overbite, there is a good chance a child will also have an overbite. Another common cause is a prolonged finger sucking habit. A recent study found that 20-30% of the U.S. population has a mild to severe overbite. Overbites are a result of either the front teeth sticking out too far, the lower jaw being too small and too far back, or a combination of both. I have achieved good results on patients with an overbite without removing any teeth. In cases when the overbite is caused by the lower jaw being too small or too far back, I do not recommend extracting upper teeth. While this plan fixes the overbite, it can create a very flat facial profile. For a free consultation, please call 1-800-4Braces.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

I went to another orthodontist for a consultation and told him I was concerned about having teeth pulled. He told me that he extracted teeth only when absolutely necessary and that orthodontists who rarely remove teeth are treating all patients all the same. Is this true?

I am an orthodontist who rarely removes teeth, and I can assure you that all patients I treat have an individualized plan for treatment. If an orthodontist wants to extract teeth from you or your child, I always recommend that you get a second opinion from an orthodontist known for not removing healthy teeth so you can make the decision that is best for you or your child. Call 1-800-4Braces for a free consultation.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

If I don't wear my retainers for a couple of days my teeth start to move. My friend never wears her retainers and her teeth have not moved. Why is that?

Orthodontists and researchers have tried for years to explain this stability issue and the answer remains the same. We cannot predict with any degree of certainty how stable a person's result with be over a long period of time. We can say that if you wear your retainer for a certain amount of time, your result will be pretty much remain stable. Our bodies are constantly changing, and the forces on teeth are constantly changing, which cause teeth to shift. Teeth shift even if you never wore braces. Orthodontic patients should always wear retainers as instructed to ensure the most stable result possible.

Monday, January 26, 2015

How is it that you treat almost all of your patients without taking out teeth?

I use the H4 passive self-ligation system of braces. This system allows me to use light physiologic force to move the teeth and develop the bony arch that holds the teeth in ways that a decade ago we never dreamed was possible. When a patient has moderate, or even severe teeth crowding, I am able to reshape the anatomy of the bone and make room for all of your teeth so no extractions are necessary. If you have been told that you or your child needs teeth removed for braces, call 1-800-4Braces for a free second opinion and non-extraction option.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

I visited another orthodontist who wanted to put screws into my bone to fix my bite and said that a narrow smile was more stable than a wide smile. I like the look of a wide smile. He also told me I would need to wear retainers after braces to keep my teeth straight. If a narrow smile is more stable, then why do I need retainers?

There are no studies that show narrow smiles are more stable than wide smiles. Most patients prefer a wide smile because of the positive impact it can have on their overall appearance. Retainers are always required after braces are removed to ensure stability, no matter the width of the smile. I use the high-tech H4 system of braces to create wide beautiful smiles. I do not use screws or unnecessary appliances and offer straight-forward treatment plans. Call 1-800-4braces for a second opinion and free consultation.

Monday, January 12, 2015

My dentist said I had a suspicious looking area on the chewing surface of my tooth that may be a cavity. What is the chance of this spot turning into a cavity?

A recent study on this question shows that the chance of this spot turning into a cavity is rare. However, this assumes that the patient has reasonably good oral hygiene habits and is not overloading his or her diet with sugared food or drink. My recommendation is to always monitor suspicious looking areas and concentrate efforts on preventing this spot from turning into a cavity by stressing the importance of good home care and reducing a person's exposure to sugar.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

My 7 year old son is getting bullied at school because his front teeth stick out. Should I start braces early to help reduce the bullying?

I am asked your question frequently. Bullying behavior about dentofacial features is widespread and has been for years. Before making a decision about early treatment, I recommend you ask yourself these questions: How bad is the dentofacial problem? How much is the bullying affecting the child? How much is the bullying worrying you as the parent? I do recommend early treatment for psycho-social reasons. When I do this treatment the goal is very specific: align the four front teeth, place a wired retainer behind the teeth, then let the child grow another year or two and reevaluate if further treatment is required.

Monday, January 5, 2015

I’m a parent that always likes to verify the facts. I’ve seen orthodontists advertise that they are board certified or are a provider of Damon braces. How can I find out if this is true?

As both an orthodontist and parent, I believe that doing some fact checking to ensure that a business or service is providing truthful information to the public is a good idea. It’s actually quite simple to check whether an orthodontist is board certified. Just visit use the “Find a Board Certified Orthodontist” feature. To check if an orthodontist is qualified as Damon System trained, just go to and click on find a Damon Braces provider.