Tuesday, December 30, 2014
I just got a mail advertisement from an orthodontist. It features a patient who says she got braces at age 7 to correct her cross bite. Is age seven too early?
It is best to correct a cross bite early. There are two types of cross bites: anterior cross bite, better known as an under bite, and a posterior cross bite. A posterior cross bite is when the upper back teeth bite inside of the lower back teeth. It can be on just one side or on both sides. The goal is to correct the cross bite in a year or less through braces, take off the braces, and let the child resume growth for another year or two. I find that most cross bites can be corrected with upper braces only. I correct almost all cross bites without using invasive palatal expanders. If you think your child has a cross bite call 1-800-4Braces for a free consultation.
Monday, December 29, 2014
I took my child to an orthodontist for a consultation. Before my son saw the doctor he had two x-rays taken, a panoramic x-ray and a cone beam x-ray. I didn’t think this was necessary. Is that typical?
As a parent, I would also express concern with two x-rays during an initial consultation. I understand the need for a recent panoramic x-ray, as that is typically needed for exams. My concern is unnecessary exposure to radiation. I believe a cone beam x-ray or a cephalometric x-ray should only be taken after the initial exam if the doctor feels it is necessary. There should be a difference between protocol for an initial exam and protocol for final diagnosis records. The latter is done after the doctor determines there is a need for additional records and has discussed it with the parent.
Monday, December 15, 2014
I have obstructive sleep apnea. My doctor told me my tongue is too big for my mouth and is causing the obstruction when I sleep. Can this be a result of having four teeth removed when I had braces as a teen?
Yes. Extracting four permanent teeth does reduce the volume of your mouth. In other words, your tongue had to move toward the back of the throat, reducing the airway space. The extractions can be responsible for you now having sleep apnea. Instead of extracting teeth to relieve crowding, I widen the arch of the mouth using the high-tech H4 system of braces. This increases the volume of the mouth and decreases the chances of obstructive sleep apnea. If you want to correct crowding problems without extractions, call 1-800-4BRACES for your free consultation.
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
My son has a palatal expander to help make room for his teeth and to fix a cross bite. Tonight I turned the expander as instructed and I heard a pretty loud pop. What was that pop?
What you heard was most likely the sound of the palate splitting down the middle. The split also occurs in other bones of the face as well. This is not dangerous and is the purpose of the expander. However, it is not the only way to fix a cross bite. Today, there are much gentler and less invasive means to gain space and fix cross bites. I have not used an expander in almost a decade. If an expander is part of your child's treatment plan, please call 1-800-4braces for a free second opinion.
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
I am looking for a job, and I feel that my crooked teeth are affecting my chances of getting the jobs that I want. Have you found this to be true?
A recent study asked large companies this question. The companies were asked to look at 100 photos of individuals with all types of smiles and select the ones they were most likely to hire. People with more ideal smiles were selected as being the most likely to be hired. One of the most common reasons is the companies believed they looked more intelligent. Having a good-looking smile can change a person’s perception of you. If you would like to improve your smile and overall appearance, call 1-800-4BRACES for your free consultation.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
How do braces move teeth?
The human body is constantly responding to external stimuli. Just like pupils contracting with bright light, braces place an external stimuli, pressure, on teeth. When pressure is placed on a tooth, the bone around it to reacts and reshapes. Bone is resorbed on the side of pressure and added on the side opposite the pressure. This process is called osteogenesis. Teeth move faster and with far less pain if the pressure on the tooth is light. Heavy pressure, like that found in traditional braces, causes more pain and produces slower movement of teeth. In general, the body typically does not respond well to heavy pressure. I use the high-tech H4 system of braces, which allows for gentle tooth movement. Call 1-800-4Braces to find out all of the benefits of H4 braces.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
My child needs braces. I had braces for three years as a teen and had a palatal expander and teeth removed. I was disappointed when an orthodontist presented a treatment plan for my child that was almost the same plan I had 20 years ago. Has orthodontic technology changed at all?
I can assure you that technology has improved. You do not need expanders, tooth extractions or prolonged years in treatment. I use new technology, the high-tech H4 system of braces, which allows me to get great results while being far less invasive. My goal is to make the process of orthodontic care as easy for the patient as possible and completed as fast as possible. Not all orthodontic care is the same. Call 1-800-4Braces to find out for yourself how the high-tech H4 system of braces can improve your child’s orthodontic treatment.
Monday, November 3, 2014
I’ve heard that you very rarely remove teeth to correct crowding. Why?
Many orthodontists remove teeth to make room for crowding because it is a relatively easy way to make space. After years of observing this practice, I agree with many other orthodontists that it negatively impacts the profile of the face. You may have noticed this yourself in adults who had teeth removed during orthodontic treatment. Their faces can seem sunken in, their noses can seem longer, their lips can look thinner, and the chin sticks out more. I believe in using a high-tech braces that allow me to create space without removing teeth and give my patients wide beautiful smiles. If you visit an orthodontist who wants to remove teeth, please call 1-800-4Braces and schedule a free consultation for a non-extraction option.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
I visited a dentist for the first time in several years for a routine exam and to get a lost filling replaced. The dentist informed me I had periodontal disease and I needed a special deep cleaning. I declined treatment since it was unexpected. Should I go back for treatment?
Secondary findings are common in all areas of health care. It happens when a person comes in with one concern and finds out that there are other problems as well. It is normal for a person to need time to process new information. I find that if a person has enough information and time, he or she usually makes a decision to proceed with a reasonable plan for treatment. I recommend you address any concerns with your dentist and have all of your questions answered prior to beginning treatment.
Monday, October 20, 2014
A friend told me I needed to get my top braces and bottom braces on at different times so it’s easier for me to get used to the braces. Is this necessary?
No, there is no need for you to come in twice to get your top and bottom braces placed. Some offices require two appointments for the braces to be placed. There are also additional fees charged at these appointments making your total down payment for braces more than expected. At my office, you can get top and bottom braces the same day as your free consultation! During the month of October, you can start the high-tech H4 System of Braces for just $143 with monthly payments of $189 or less! For a free consultation, please call 1-800-4Braces.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
How do I know everything that was promised to me will be kept once I start braces?
Researching the orthodontic office by visiting its website is a good start. I understand that parents are busy and can’t spend a lot of time on the phone, so everything is available on our website. We list information about our fees, payment structure, what to expect at your first visit, how long it will take, etc. Word of mouth from current patients is also a great source of information – your friends will be sure to tell you if there were any hidden fees or surprises along the way. Trust is another element to choosing an orthodontist—it’s important for patients and parents to feel comfortable that their child will have a positive treatment experience.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
I am 27 years old and have really crooked teeth and an overbite. What will happen over the next 10 years or so if I do not get my teeth straightened and bite fixed?
If you choose not to get your teeth straightened you will have an increased risk for periodontal (gum) disease because crooked teeth make oral hygiene much more difficult. It is much easier to keep straight teeth clean than crooked teeth. Crooked teeth also have unbalanced forces placed upon them when you bite. This can wear down your teeth and increase the risk of gum disease. A wide, beautiful smile with straight teeth helps people with their self-confidence—especially when meeting people for the first time! Getting straight teeth is easy and affordable. Call 1-800-4braces for a free consultation.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
I was told that if I get my wisdom teeth removed there is a chance of nerve damage. What is nerve damage?
It is true that there is a risk of damage to the nerve that provides sensory information to the lower part of the face, lips and tongue. For most patients, this risk is very small. The loss of sensory information can have an impact on one's ability to eat, drink, shave, kiss or play a musical instrument. There are three types of nerve damage. The first is Neuropraxia, or temporary interruption with full recovery in 4-6 weeks. Axonotmesis is more permanent with decreased sensation of feeling. Neurotmesis is a physical separation of the nerve with complete and permanent loss of sensory feeling. Because of the nerve damage risk, removal of wisdom teeth should be done only when impaction is a big concern.
Thursday, August 28, 2014
My financial situation has changed, and I can no longer afford orthodontic treatment. My orthodontist told me I can't get my braces removed until I paid my bill. I can't pay the bill right now. Can you help me out?
Sure. I understand that good people sometimes get into a financial bind. I do not believe that people who can no longer afford treatment should be forced to keep their braces on. Please call my office at 1-800-4Braces for a free consultation and I will discuss removing your braces. If you cannot afford my normal fee for removing braces, I will remove them at no charge.
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
My 8th grade son is in braces. I am constantly reminding him to brush his teeth. The dental assistants have gone over how to brush with him several times, and his orthodontist told him that if he keeps brushing poorly it could add 6 months to a year to his treatment time. I was shocked to hear this. How does poor brushing make treatment longer?
Poor brushing may not necessarily make treatment longer, but it does increase chances of gingivitis, cavities and white spots. In severe cases, oral hygiene problems caused by poor brushing can prolong treatment. An orthodontist may even recommend removing the braces until severe oral hygiene issues are resolved in order to best care for the teeth. Broken brackets and poor rubber band wear can also prolong treatment.
Monday, August 4, 2014
It seems that all orthodontists offer a free consultation. What makes your consultation different?
My staff and I provide a comprehensive consultation so that patients can make fully informed decisions about their orthodontic care. You will receive all X-rays needed for me to make a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment plan specific to your needs. You will have as much time as you need with me and my staff to have all of your questions answered. I will also give you a detailed explanation of my treatment plan and the high-tech H4 system of braces. Finally, I will show you photos of my finished patients with similar orthodontic problems so that you can get an idea of your outcome. Call 1-800-4BRACES today and see for yourself why my office was voted the best in the Four Corners.
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
I’d like to get information about the cost for braces but don’t want to come in for an appointment right now. Can I find out the cost for braces without coming in for an appointment?
Yes! I believe in transparency in fees, so I make it easy for people to find out how much braces cost. You can get a realistic picture of your total cost with just one visit to my website. I work hard to make my website relevant and informative for my patients. Our Getting Started page includes affordable payment options and gives you an accurate picture of your cost. Our Current Promotions page features the exact cost for you to start braces for that month. You can also call our office and speak with one of our friendly team members to find out the cost of treatment. Please call 1-800-4Braces or visit Herman4Braces.com for more information.
Thursday, July 3, 2014
I just read in a magazine that you can judge a person's personality by the position of their jaw. Is that true?
These studies are actually about the perception people have about someone's personality based on chin or jaw position. Studies have found that a person with a "strong" or forward positioned jaw is perceived as being firm and aggressive in behavior. A person with a "weak" or protrusive jaw is perceived as being emotional and kind. It is speculated that judging a person by his or her jaw position is more of an instinctual behavior than a learned behavior.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
My child has a narrow palate and a small lower jaw. I’m concerned his narrow palate is preventing his lower jaw from growing. Can orthodontic treatment help bring his lower jaw forward?
Yes, widening the palate allows the lower jaw to move forward. I use the high-tech H4 system of braces to gently widen the palate and to create wide beautiful smiles without removing teeth. I do not recommend using screws or palatal expanders to widen the palate because I feel that the forces used with this kind of treatment are too strong. I prefer to use a much gentler method to widen the palate. Please call 1-800-4BRACES for your free consultation.
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
My orthodontist said I needed two upper teeth extracted to correct my overbite. Now, I am almost finished treatment. My overbite has been fixed but I feel that my smile is narrow and too far back. Can you correct it?
Yes, but I wish that you never had your upper teeth extracted. Many orthodontists treat patients with this plan called "camouflage.” It hides the fact that the lower jaw is too small by extracting upper teeth and moving the smile backwards. This corrects the overbite but the upper lip and wide smile are sacrificed. I do not use this treatment plan. Call 1-800-4Braces if you are concerned about an upper extraction plan and want another opinion.
Monday, May 26, 2014
My son is getting braces. I am very concerned about him keeping up with his oral hygiene during treatment. Do you do anything special to help your patients maintain good oral hygiene?
Yes. Maintaining excellent oral hygiene during orthodontic treatment is so important to me that I have an oral hygiene department in my office with two dental hygienists on staff. No one else in the Four Corners offers both orthodontic and dental hygiene services in one location, and this convenience is one of the main reasons why parents choose my office for their children’s orthodontic care. While many offices have oral hygiene issues in almost half of their patients, less than 5% of my patients have oral hygiene issues. My patients with oral hygiene issues are provided immediate access to care in my office to correct the problem and do not have to be referred out. This is both a convenience and a relief to parents. We also remove all wires from the braces when cleaning, which allows for improved access and improved cleaning. For more information, please call 1-800-4Braces.
Friday, May 9, 2014
Can any orthodontist give you a wide beautiful smile without taking out teeth?
No. Many orthodontists remove healthy teeth to achieve a straight, but narrow smile using traditional braces. I use the high-tech H4™ system of braces which allows me to achieve wide beautiful smiles without taking out teeth. I don’t believe in removing healthy teeth from a patient’s mouth, so I rarely take out teeth. I want all of my patients to have wide, healthy smiles. You can view some of the wide smiles I have achieved on my website, Herman4Braces.com. Call 1-800-4Braces if you want to get a wide beautiful smile without having any teeth taken out.
Monday, May 5, 2014
I read a column last week about how expensive it is to get dental care. Is the same true for braces?
Surprisingly no! Orthodontic treatment has actually become more affordable over the past couple of decades. Just like electronics become less expensive over time, so has orthodontic care. Today's passive self-ligation systems of braces are more efficient. These improved braces systems and better trained technical staff now make treatment very affordable. Add that to the fact that over a decade ago, I eliminated the $1000 or more down payment that was common in the Four Corners area. This step made it easy for many more people to start treatment. Call my office at 1-800-4Braces to find out just how affordable orthodontic treatment can be for you.
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
I just moved here and need an orthodontist familiar with the Damon system of braces to continue my treatment. My previous orthodontist informed me that special training was needed to use Damon braces. I called a local orthodontist whose website said they offer Damon braces and low prices. The lady I spoke with said they actually mix traditional braces with Damon braces on patients. She said both braces systems achieve the same result. Is this an effective treatment plan?
I do not agree with this treatment plan. As an orthodontist specially trained in passive self-ligation technology, including the Damon System, I know that traditional braces and Damon braces do not achieve the same quality result. It is like saying that a Walkman cassette recorder is the same as an iPod. They both allow for the mobile playing of music but no one would say they are the same. I encourage you to call my office at 1-800-4Braces for a free consultation to discuss finishing your treatment most effectively.
Thursday, April 17, 2014
I know that you offer high-tech braces. Why do some offices offer both traditional braces and high-tech braces?
I offer the H4™ high-tech braces at an affordable price because I believe it is better for the patient. I was an early adopter of passive self-ligation technology and have now moved to the H4™ system, the next generation of high-tech braces. The H4™ system uses light and gentle forces to move teeth, creating a more comfortable experience for my patients with high quality outcomes. Almost all of my patients can be treated without having teeth taken out. I believe all of my patients should be treated with the latest technology and do not offer traditional braces because I find it to be a step backwards. To learn more about high-tech braces, call 1-800-4Braces.
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Is it easier to treat a crooked tooth problem by taking out teeth?
It can be easier but I do not believe it is better for the patient. I am very reluctant to remove healthy teeth because I use the new passive self-ligation technology, which allows me to treat patients without removing any teeth. I am passionate about creating a smile that best fits each patient's face. I found that taking out teeth creates a smaller width smile that does not always complement a patient's face. People who have had teeth extracted as a teen tend to lose their smile under their lip and wrinkle in the mid face area at an earlier age. Wide smiles are more youthful looking, even as you age. If you want a wide smile without having any teeth taken out, call 1-800-4Braces for a free consultation.
Monday, March 24, 2014
I had braces 15 years ago, and I remember that I hated having them tightened. It hurt. I have heard from numerous people that you use a different system of braces that does not require tightening at appointments. Is that true?
Yes. By using technology called "passive self-ligation," I do not have to tighten braces. I use high-tech H4™ braces, which use light and gentle forces to move your teeth. I have been using this technology for the past 12 years. I started with the Damon® system and now use the next generation of high-tech braces, the H4™ system. New technology just keeps making the braces experience better and easier for the patient. If you want treatment without experiencing the tightening of braces, please call 1-800-4Braces and schedule your free consultation.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
I want to get the perfect smile, but I am concerned this expectation is unrealistic. How do you achieve the perfect smile?
Every patient is unique – there’s not one perfect smile! I help patients achieve wide, beautiful, healthy smiles that work with their individual features. At your first visit, I will give you a reasonable expectation of the smile you can expect to achieve after braces. I show photos of my finished patients with similar orthodontic problems so that you can get an idea of your outcome. I always attempt to meet or exceed my patients’ expectations. I believe I can help you get an amazing smile with a customized treatment plan. Call 1-800-4Braces to schedule your free consultation!
Friday, February 21, 2014
I hear great things about you, your staff and your results. I want to be clear; I do not want my daughter to get extractions, screws in her bone or an expander that rips her bone apart. I have already gone for a consult elsewhere and do not agree with any of these methods. Can you accomplish treatment without using these devices or removing teeth?
The answer is yes. I do not use screws in the bone or palatal expanders. I rarely take out any teeth and especially do not want healthy teeth extracted unnecessarily. I have patients here every day with mothers like you who want a second opinion. I listen to what my patients want, and I find your request for less invasive treatment a reasonable goal. Our reputation is well deserved, and I look forward to talking with you. Please call 1-400-4Braces to schedule a complimentary consultation.
Monday, February 17, 2014
I have noticed that my son has bleeding gums from poor brushing. He has braces and has a year of treatment remaining. His orthodontist seems concerned. Should I should end treatment and try later when my son's oral hygiene improves?
It is a difficult decision for me to discontinue active treatment due to poor dental hygiene. I want to get you the finished result as does the parent and child. At my office, my team and I would have frank conversation with you about your son's poor home care. My recommendation could be to continue treatment but leave the wires out for two to four weeks for better cleaning. I would place your son on an antimicrobial mouth rinse to help reduce bacteria levels and high fluoride prescription toothpaste to help prevent white spots. If these measures fail to get the gingivitis under control, then I would recommend temporarily suspending active treatment by removing braces.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
I lost my job and can't afford to continue my orthodontic treatment. I want my braces off, but I was told at another office I had to pay to get them removed. I can't afford that fee either. Can you help?
Yes, please call my office at 1-800-4BRACES and I will remove your braces at no charge. I realize that we all sign contracts with good intentions of getting services and outcomes for a fee. Sometimes our financial situation takes a turn for the worse or our priorities change. When this happens, I won't hold a patient in a state of suspended treatment. It is best to temporarily end treatment by removing braces. I advise the patient or parent that since they have already partially paid for my services, they are more than welcome to return to finish treatment once their financial situation improves.
Friday, February 7, 2014
I was a patient of yours 5 years ago and now my son is ready for braces. It’s been a while since I was a patient. Is there still a family discount I can use for my son?
Yes! We reward loyal patients with our “Smile Miles” program. Any patient that I’ve ever treated gets a credit toward future treatment that can be used on other family members. It is a straight forward program focused on affordable care. No prizes or contests here – just lower monthly payments for you! Call Riiana at 1-800-4Braces to see how many Smile Miles you have waiting for you and how they can be used on a family member or yourself!
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
My son just had his braces removed. He has removable retainers, but I do not think he is wearing them as much as he was instructed to wear them. What should I do?
Your concern is justified. A recent study found that the average patient wears his or her retainers an average of just 7 hours per day, not the 12 to 24 hours recommended. Often, patients do not wear retainers for days. To help prevent relapse of teeth, I provide all of my patients with glued-on wire retainers on the backs of their front teeth in addition to the removable retainers. This means that my patients get double retainers for both upper and lower teeth. These glued-on wire retainers are an extra benefit that I provide my patients in the Four Corners area.
Monday, February 3, 2014
I looked at my teeth in a magnifying mirror, and I noticed some lines on my front teeth. I went to my dentist, and he said they were "craze lines" and are normal for my age. He said no treatment was needed. Should I get a second opinion?
While you are always entitled to a second opinion, your dentist's recommendation of no treatment is supported by research. Most craze lines are not noticeable except under bright light and some magnification. Craze lines are not cracked or chipped teeth. They are shallow changes in a person's enamel. As people age, most get some craze lines. Treatment would be considered too invasive by most dentists because treatment would be caps (crowns) or veneers. I agree with your dentist in recommending what is best for you and your teeth.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
I want to compliment you on my consultation at your office. I liked the fact that you showed me results on your patients.
Thank you. I understand that other orthodontists use models to sell their services. I want my patients and parents to see the results I achieve on real patients. I show them patients that are similar in gender, ethnicity, age and orthodontic problem. This helps the parent and patient better visualize what I can do for them. I recommend that during an orthodontic consultation, you ask to see the results on someone similar to you to help you decide on being treated by that orthodontist. Call 1-800-4braces if you would like to schedule a free consultation with my office.
Monday, January 13, 2014
I am seeing more and more adults with braces. Is this a growing trend?
Yes. A recent survey of adults ages 18-54 points out reasons why adult orthodontic treatment is a growing trend. The survey found that of adults who completed orthodontic treatment, 84% reported improved personal relationships, 58% reported better career success, and 92% reported they would recommend braces to other adults. The survey also asked, "Why would an adult not get braces?" The most common answers were: “What would others think?”, “How will I look?” and “I am too old?” The survey reported that 71% of the respondents stated that those concerns disappeared once treatment started and did not return at any time during treatment. Call 1-800-4braces if you would like a free consultation on what straight teeth and a great looking smile can do for you.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
My teenage son is using smokeless tobacco (chewing tobacco). I am afraid that this may lead to smoking. Is my concern justified?
A recent study says that your concern is justified. This study showed that there is a strong association between adolescents using chewing tobacco and smoking. The study also found that using tobacco is strongly correlated with other risk-taking behaviors. This may not be news to any of us who have raised teenagers. Intervention through education may help, but results for teens are extremely varied. The study found that getting teens involved in activities that prohibit the use of tobacco products, like school sports, may be even more beneficial to preventing tobacco use than education on the harm of tobacco or parental intervention.
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